نقط بوتاماكس لتكبير المؤخره والارداف
Natural Butt Enhancement Buttmaxx
See Results in just a few weeks…
تسعى الكثير من السيدات للبحث عن حل لمشكلة عدم بروز الارداف والحصول على الشكل الأنثوي المثير والمرغوب ، وظلت هذه المشكلة هاجس الكثيرات ممن يسعين للحصول على جسم متناسق ومتناغم ، فلجأت شركة بوتاماكس الأمريكية وبعد جهود واجتهادات وتجارب سريرية إلى تجربة العديد من الخلطات والوصفات الطبيعية بحثا عن حل لمشكلة عدم بروز الموخره والارداف إلى أن وجدت الحل بقطرات بوتاماكس المطورة.
تعتبر نقط بوتاماكس من أفضل المنتجات في أمريكا التي تستخدم في تكبير المؤخره والارداف
وقد حازت على 4.5 من أصل 5 نجوم بالإجماع حيث تعتبر بديلا لعمليات الجراحة وتعادل في مفعولها حبوب كيرفربلس الامريكية ، وقد لاقت رواجا كبيرا خاصة فيمن لا يفضلون تناول الكبسولات لعوامل نفسية ، أو بدافع الخوف.
* لمن تستخدم نقط بوتاماكس ButtMaxx:
يفضل استخدامها في حال كان الجسم ماتناسب بين الطول والوزن فمثلا لوكان الطول 160 سم ، يجب أن يتراوح الوزن بين 59-63 وهذا أفضل مثال لها..
في حال النحف الشديد يفضل زيادة الوزن قبل استخدامها.. أما في حال فرط الوزن يفضل الوصول للوزن المناسب قبل البدء باستخدامها كي لا تطول النتيجة.
* هل نقط بوتاماكس لتكبير المؤخرة آمنة صحيا؟
نعم المنتج آمن 100% وطبيعي ومصرح من قبل هيئة الغذاء والدواء العالمية FDA ويباع على نطاق واسع على أمازون وايباي …
* طريقة استعمال نقط بوتاماكس ؟
يوضع مقدار 10 نقط في كوب ماء أو عصير أو أي منككه ويشرب صباحا ومساء بمعدل 10 نقط صباحا و10 مساء
العبوة تكفي لمدة شهر كامل والنتيجة تظهر خلال 1-3 شهور حسب الجسم.
* مكونات Buttmaxx لتكبير المؤخره:
يتكون من:
Maca (root), Chaste-tree Berry, Fenugreek, Dong Quai, Saw Palmetto, Damiana, Blessed Thistle, WildMexican Yam (root), Kava, Fennel, Dandelion (root), Kelp, Watercress(Aerial Parts), Mothers Wort
ButtMaxx Description
The best BUTT ENHANCEMENT FORMULA that’s guaranteed to work. This formula will not disappoint you. This is better than Butt Enhancement Pills. ROUNDER, SHAPLIER BOOTY NOW Do you want that sexy Brazilian butt? That perfect heart shape that not only looks good but shows a healthy derriere? Dreaming of that J-Lo butt to spice up your marriage a little?
WHAT MAKES IT SO AWESOME? BUTTMAXX defies the laws of gluteus nature. It makes the size of your glutes larger while burning the unwanted fat and dimples that drive you crazy.
While increasing your metabolic rate, it also takes the healthy fat molecules and sends them to the areas you want. Remember, this liquid formula is so much better than the capsule form. This all-natural butt-enhancing formula will change the way you look and the way you feel.
Within just 3 to 4 months you will see astonishing results. Sometimes even within just a few weeks. Your best option is to regularly take ButtMaxx for 12 months or more to ensure the best results. Anything worth getting is worth waiting for and working towards. It’s no different when it comes to molding that perfect butt.
LOOK NO FURTHER No need for expensive surgeries and invasive procedures. This compound literally eviscerates fat and molds your backside into that shape you want. You’ll find many other spin-offs of this miracle formula online, but this is new and improved and is proven to work.
This safe, once-a-day liquid facilitates all the needs in forming buttocks you want. The all-natural ingredients are the key to this groundbreaking new formula. No taxing additives; no unknown chemicals. Everything in this butt enhancement formula is found in nature. Research shows that consuming liquid nutritional products provides significantly improved absorption, (80% vs 20% from tablets)
Product Overview
The best pharmaceutically approved BUTT ENHANCEMENT FORMULA is guaranteed to work. This award-winning formula will not disappoint you. Do you want that sexy Brazilian butt? That perfect heart shape that not only looks good but shows a healthy derriere? Dreaming of that J-Lo butt to spice up your marriage a little? LOOK NO FURTHER No need for expensive surgeries and invasive procedures. This compound literally eviscerates fat and molds your backside into that shape you want. You’ll find many other spin-offs of this miracle formula online, but this is new and improved and is proven to work. This safe, once-a-day liquid facilitates all the needs in forming buttocks you want. The all-natural ingredients are the key to this groundbreaking new formula. No taxing additives; no unknown chemicals. Everything in this formula is found in nature. WHAT MAKES IT SO AWESOME? BUTTMAXX defies the laws of gluteus nature. It makes the size of your glutes larger while burning the unwanted fat and dimples that drive you crazy. While increasing your metabolic rate, it also takes the healthy fat molecules and sends them to the areas you want. This all-natural formula will change the way you look and the way you feel. Within just 3 to 4 months you will see astonishing results. Sometimes even within just a few weeks. Your best option is to regularly take ButtmMaxx for 12 months or more to ensure the best results. Anything worth getting is worth waiting for and working towards. It’s no different when it comes to molding that perfect butt. For more info about BUTTMAXX